Planu Estratejiku Sistema IDU
2021 to'o 2025
The strategic plan describes the Government’s strategy to create Unique IDs in Timor-Leste. The Unique ID will establish a digital identity, consisting of a minimum set of data including a random unique number, biographical data (name, date of birth, etc.) and biometric information. Biometric data will prevent duplicate registration for services.

Relatoriu Komisaun Tékniku Eventual IDU
This report covers activities conducted from the commission-initiated work in June 2020 until May 2021, when the Strategic Plan was submitted to the Council of Ministers on May 26th, 2021.

Relatoriu Final
The report is often referred to as the Estonian report in Unique ID-related documents. The report presents preliminary analysis of Timor-Leste’s Timor-Leste’s Unique ID readiness.
Lista enderesu
Unique ID Secretariado
TIC Timor I.P.
Palacio do Governo
Dili, Timor-Leste - +670 7712-5077
- info@uid.gov.tl
Media Sosial
Lista Link sira
Identidade Úniku
ID Úniku permite Governu no setor privadu atu identifika diak liu ninia sidadaun sira, no ema sira iha ninia rai-fronteira laran hodi responde ba pergunta sira hanesan “Ita mak sé?”, “Ita mak ema ne’e duni ka lae?”, “Ita mak autorizadu ka elijivel ba hetan buat ruma ka lae?”.